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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Earning Passive Income at 55 online

My acquaintance which Google at a age of 55 came to a surprise to me. Belonging to a Generation where the only source of income would be your Job. I was quite amazed by the extent which Google ad sense helps.

A person with basic computer knowledge and flair of writing can easily earn money.

Believe it or not at my age this source of passive income is quite handy. Passive income is the income that you get without having work for it.

All you need is to have a website or even a blog just like mine to be able to put up relevant Google ads on the content pages of your site and earn money. The more visitors come and check your website and blogs and click the relevant ad sense the more money your earn.

Some tips for you

Ad sense Earning =Impression count * Click through rate *Cost per click * smart pricing factor

Where Impression count refers to your traffic. It means the number of time Ad sense block is displayed.

Click through rate (CTR) is the ratio of clicks per impression.(Range from 0.1%-30%)

Cost per click (CPC) is the earning you get per click. The amount advertisers pay for each clock.

Smart pricing is Ad sense method to determine how valuable clicks from your site is worth.

Some tips of Caution

Don’t click your own adds

Don’t Encourage visitors to click on ads.

Basically don’t cheat Google will catch you,sooner or later


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